Book Summary: Be Invincible: The Mindset, Skills, & Habits for sustainable Growth & Success.
Author: Mudit Yadav
Book Size: 132 pages
Book available: Amazon, For Free PDF You can contact me.

Moral and Introduction: What does it mean to be invincible?
The professor guided the discussion to two types of systems — open system and closed system. He explained that an open system is one which system is better — open or closed? Proponents of the open system argued that a system is not complete. Supporters of the closed system argued that a system with Further, negative external inputs might corrupt or spoil the system. It would be foolhardy to claim that humans are not open systems. This is a disadvantage of humans being an open system.
As open systems, we thrive on the energy and inputs from the good inputs and the probability of occurrence of bad inputs is greater. Positive inputs, too, have a significant impact.
Open System, Being the open system that we are, has its benefits and drawbacks. Let random, insignificant negative inputs impact our productivity and inputs and absorb only the necessary from negative inputs, we would feel emotional baggage of negative inputs that have a counter-productive, and pre-birthday celebrations and most times, these inputs impact us more than ever, we need to learn to filter these negative inputs away so damaged by negative inputs or can at least minimize the damage.
Section 1: The Invincible Mindset: The established set of attitudes held by someone
Mindsets can take years, a certain mindset, the more difficult it is to change them. Religion, and it is the synergy of mindsets that forms the social fabric of Thinking, which is a choice and choices can be made and While mindset is a choice, that choice is smoldered into the being of establishing the right mindset. Mindset to develop your culture of invincibility.
#1 Step One
While addressing a keynote speech where the author asked the participants to close their eyes for a minute, to ensure that they are unable to see each other. He asked them “Raise your hands if you want to be rich! Then the author shared the result of this anonymous survey with the audience. He asked them to close their eyes again and asked a different question: Do you consciously invest 15 minutes or more every day to become rich? When we ask people questions like Do you want to be rich? Or Do you want to be more fit? It is not wrong to want something.
To take the first step towards your goal, you need to graduate from ‘I want to’ to ‘I choose to’. The difference between ‘I want to’ and ‘I choose to’ is not much. I choose to be wealthier” is just a notch higher. ‘ Choosing to be’ is the bare minimum effort required to achieve what you want. According to the author, a person choosing to be rich invests 15 minutes every day. After the author’s speech at Annual Achievers’ Conference, he was asked to felicitate their ‘best salesperson of the year’.
Everybody in the sales team wanted the title of the best salesperson,but how many of them were choosing to become that person? There must be some commitment of your personal time if you truly believe in what to do. Passion backed by a string of commitment is choosing to do. When you choose to be, you isolate negative inputs because you know your time investment is negligible and you are still testing the waters. You must choose to dip the toe.
#2 Tele-Marketers
Author desperately wanted to approach her and be friends. However, is fear of failure the real reason why he failed to approach that girl?
Fear of failure emerges from many sources, the nastiest of which is the fear of rejection or fear of ridicule. Hence, for a fresh CA, the chances of working in the strategy consulting domain were extremely slim. 12 days, 120 emails and three books later, he got a call to interview as a strategy consultant and was offered a role. He is someone who has always been extremely aversive of rejection. However, he was not fit for the job because he was terrified of rejection, though. Jerry Seinfeld is one of the wealthiest celebrities and the highest-paid comedian in the world.
Such is the life of a stand-up comedian. Stand-up comics, and top athletes get rejected routinely, not in private, but in full public view and sometimes, even on prime-time television! Of the 100 richest people in the world, 53 began their careers working for another organization. Humble sellers introduce a new paradigm of embracing rejection and being invincible. We, too, need to build our personal culture of embracing rejection.
Presently, most people are at the level of being afraid of rejection. When we learn to see rejections as the stepping-stones to acceptance, we will begin to embrace them. Author continues to build his personal culture of embracing rejection. It is ok to be afraid of failure. What is non-negotiable is fear of rejection.
#3 Detach
Author got a chance to meet the most renowned music directors and performers in Bollywood, they are two brothers, Manmeet and Harmeet, who go by the name Meet Bros. They have won numerous awards for producing many internationally successful hits. How did you expand this philosophy of detachment to other areas of your life?
Author could completely connect with what Manmeet was propounding because not being able to detach had created undue stress in his life. He once took part in an elocution contest and won it. He absolutely loved the trophy and got attached to the attention that came with it. We need to find the temporary things, people or events that we are overly attached to and learn to detach. To develop the invincibility culture, we need to learn to permanently detach from temporary things and temporarily detach from permanent things.
‘Detachment’ is thus one of the most important philosophies that we need to develop to be invincible. Cal Newport has described this phenomenon as the ‘attention residue’. Inspired by Newport’s explanation, Author discovered the phrase ‘emotional tar’. While positive emotional tar is helpful in most situations, too much dependency on it creates an insatiable craving for external validation. Negative emotional tar is poisonous to productivity and happiness.
Attachment creates dependency. When you are attached to something, you become dependent on it for comfort. Maintaining a balance is the key. It is not easy to detach from day-to-day negative inputs. The first step in reclaiming your power over yourself is by reducing the time and attention you give to what people think about you. For detachment to emotional triggers, the change will not happen in one day.
#4 Fire the Terminators
Instead of being in the moment, we focus on capturing the best photo of that moment for our social media profiles. Similar is the case with validation beyond social media. We are hard-wired to crave appreciation and it is challenging to undo this wiring completely. However, to be invincible, we need to reduce our dependence on external validation. Instead, we need to satiate the craving for appreciation through internal validation. That is internal validation.
A key reason why we need to reduce our reliance on external validation is the bias that is involved. That was a time when he truly experienced the power of being invincible. If you are not convinced that you deserve to get something, how can you possibly expect to convince the world about it? However, not exploiting the overdue advantage of this position of power is also a part of being invincible.
Humility is a trait that further adds fuel to you being the invincible oracle, a beacon that others can follow. When you establish the authority of being an invincible leader, people will follow. It is critical to listen and accept negative feedback (explained in the next chapter) and only then, will you truly develop an invincible mindset. That is where over-reliance on external validation can be damaging.
There are three methods of building invincibility towards external validation and increasing reliance on self-validation. First is, when you accept the weaknesses that you cannot change about yourself, you become invincible towards seeking validation for it. The second is setting high-performance standards for yourself. Sometimes, for you to believe in yourself, you need to say it to yourself.
#5 Listen, Analyze, Execute
The broad challenge is that very few people can stomach honest, raw feedback. If we are willing to be better at what we do, we need to develop the will to stomach honest feedback. Do you plan on taking action on the feedback?
Evaluate whether the feedback is actionable and how it has impacted your work. It is essential to curb the impact of criticism on your emotions and productivity. Hence, the primary requirement is the will and stomach for raw feedback.
Feedback has the following cycle:
The Listen Stage: It is when feedback is being delivered to you. Just listen and make notes.
The analysis stage: It is when you reflect on the feedback. Identify and modify the feedback accordingly.
The action stage: It is when you apply or redo work incorporating the filtered feedback. Evaluate whether the feedback is actionable and how it has impacted your work.
#8 The Night Drive
It is and will remain a hard truth that life is unpredictable, and we can never be entirely sure about what the future holds for us. While trying to predict the future is not wrong, it is important that we embrace uncertainty because it is inevitable. John Paul DeJoria is an American business magnate, a self-made billionaire with an estimated net worth of $2.6 Billion. In 1989, DeJoria co-founded the Patron’ Tequila brand which was sold to Bacardi for $5.1 Billion in 2018.DeJoria’s life story is the definition of uncertainty.
Embracing uncertainty is an essential part of developing the invincible culture. Author once came across the story of Valentina Tereshkova, the first woman in space. Good preparation reduces uncertainty, while excellent preparation includes preparing for uncertainty. You can never fully brace yourself for all eventualities, despite the level of preparation. The invincible way of living demands that you fall in love with uncertainty.
#9 Entrepreneurial Mindset
Author believed that successful entrepreneurs not just win in business, they win in life. We can apply the ‘entrepreneurial mindset’ in our lives irrespective of whether we are entrepreneurs, employees or students. A challenge many of us encounter is that we are good at making schedules but poor at meeting the deadlines.
How can people follow through on the schedule they have designed for themselves? Author was coaching a tech-entrepreneur in the summer of 2017 in the city of Bangalore. How are you able to meet the personal deadlines you set for yourself?” The reason we almost never meet our deadlines is that our objective is, merely, to meet them. However, procrastination, uncertain inputs, and impromptu plans creep in, and more often than not, our schedule goes for a toss. When we work to beat our deadlines and not just meet them, we become insured against uncertain inputs, and even if things go topsy-turvy, we will be able to meet our deadlines comfortably. When we aim to meet a deadline, it is an employee mindset; when we aim to beat a deadline, it is an entrepreneurial mindset. However, the author firmly believes that having an employee mindset is contemptible, irrespective of whether you are an entrepreneur, an employee or a student.
The entrepreneurial mindset dictates, What would an entrepreneur do if they were in your place?The organizers asked for crowd-management volunteers who would be stationed at key checkpoints, maintain us in orderly queues and guide the excursion group through various places. On the final day of the tour, the author received a standing ovation from 500+ people in the excursion group. The organizers stated that this was the first time in the 10-year history of this excursion that a crowd-management volunteer received a unanimous standing ovation. When the author takes a radio-cab in the morning, the driver requires me to share code from my mobile application to enable him to start the ride. The next difference between the entrepreneurial and employee mindset is even more profound. When people measure their wealth, they usually refer only to their financial capital, which is a myopic view of wealth. They also need to include human capital in their calculation.
However, that is only the quantity of human capital. That is why a master’s degree holder is usually compensated with more financial capital for every unit of human capital that they contribute as compared to a minimum wage laborer. The employee mindset dictates selling time, whereas the entrepreneurial mindset dictates investing time. By selling time, we contribute every unit of human capital in exchange for low financial capital. People with the entrepreneurial mindset know the value of enhancing the value of human capital, and they dedicate time to activities which allow them to do so.
The next key difference is that the employee mindset dictates having the perfect conditions to finish the task, whereas the entrepreneurial mindset dictates thriving in existing conditions and building from ground zero. The employee mindset complains when things are not in place, while the entrepreneurial mindset takes charge to get things in place. Shashank Mani Tripathi, the founder of Jagriti Yatra, said “Protest is important. But building is far more important.” The employee mindset believes in protest while the entrepreneurial mindset believes in building.
An entrepreneur commences work and thrives even when the perfect conditions do not exist. Author calls it the ‘make-shift’ mentality — where a person is driven to do their best in any given condition and situation. The entrepreneurial mindset promotes the make-shift mentality while the employee mindset promotes the protest mentality — where a person performs only in certain amenable conditions. Shopify is an Ottawa-based mega e-commerce company with more than 4000 employees.
This is an organization which has the entrepreneurial mindset in their veins. They are not averse to working in makeshift and less-than-perfect conditions. They take it in their stride and learn from it rather than complain about it. Shopify employees learnt to coordinate and work better in case a remote employee joined their team who they could not physically meet to work with. The entrepreneurial mindset is about accepting, thriving and doing your best in any situation.
Section 2: The Invincible Skills
To build the culture of invincibility, one needs to sharpen the saw continuously by working on certain skills. These, like any skill, will require deliberate effort to develop and master. These skills are sector and location-agnostic and will help you succeed in the mission of becoming invincible irrespective of where you are or what you do. In contrast, the skill of horizontal knowledge encourages you to develop knowledge and skills tangential to your core expertise. While some of these may not adhere to the traditional definition of ‘skill’, they are classified here because they are beyond mindset and require consistent effort and attention to master.
#10 Chuck the agenda
It is the human need to know, the human need of curiosity that has always pushed us to go beyond our comforts. In everyday life, however, do we ask enough questions? A need that frequently trumps the need to know is the need to show.
Everybody loves to talk. Asking and listening are skills that need constant and conscious effort to develop. Primarily, it was my willingness to ask and listen that helped the man share more. When you emerge as a person who is willing to listen without interruption or expectation, people develop an adoration towards you. Why are the skills of asking and listening essential for invincible success? Author is not asking us to exploit the other person’s adoration of us. Even if you have an agenda to fulfill with somebody, genuinely listen to what they have to say.
He requested me to contribute to this campaign by accompanying him to that remote district, observing his interactions and coaching him to be more influential. That allowed me to develop tremendous insight about the campaign, and the strength of influence and our required change in strategy. Talking should be treated as a strategic tool, only as a requirement to facilitate others to share more. Leaders who listen, encourage their team to share and use their combined thinking capacity to arrive at a solution.
In either case, you are not listening. As important as it is to shut your external dialogue, you also need to stop your internal dialogue and immerse yourself in the conversations. Further, avoid using or even holding a gadget when you are in a conversation. Often when someone is speaking to you, you multitask your texts and emails and balance it with the conversation. Author instructed Group A members to multitask while they are listening to Group B members.
Once the activity was completed, he asked Group B members to share their experiences. It not only gives immense happiness to listen to other people genuinely but also contributes significantly and silently to the strength of the relationship. Ask more and listen deeply — these are two essential skills we need to develop on the route of our greater journey towards invincible success and happiness.
#11 Never Drive on Neutral
It appears that you are not the only one with this challenge. Shouldn’t we weigh our personal goals, schedules and plans more than others’ plans for us? This could be explained by understanding that most people have a ‘follower’ mindset. We need to have a beacon to tell us the way forward. Author’s Son, never drive in neutral gear. However, if you do not gear up, you lose control of your life. If you want to be invincible, you must take control of your life and learn to follow yourself.
Please note that I mentioned being aware of your ‘direction’ and not your ‘goals’. I believe that long term ‘goals’ are bullshit. We are put under immense, continuous pressure from people around us, and from books that we need to have “defined long term goals” and that instigates us to second guess our purpose of existence.
In that case, how can you be so sure about the ten-year plan that you are making today? Every day, when you meet people or read something or have an experience, it subtly modifies your interpretation of life and your perspective of things. Over time these learnings accumulate, which develops your thoughts, shifts your goals and even changes the way you look at life altogether. Hence, we need to take cognisance of the fact that it is OKAY to not have a long-term goal.
What is important is that one has a direction. Jack Ma, founder of Alibaba, began his career as an English teacher. Author often asked, “If he doesn’t have a long-term goal, how will he know what he has to do?” To be invincible, only two things matter — the direction in which you’re heading and the next step, however small, that is required to head in that direction.
The goal focuses on the end while the direction focuses on the journey. Once you establish your direction, you need to invest time every day to move one step in that direction. While long term goals are not necessary, you need to have short term milestones or targets to measure your progress towards your direction. Have a direction for yourself and focus on the next step to cultivate your culture of invincible happiness and success.
#12 Deep Work
It appears that you are not the only one with this challenge. We need to have a beacon to tell us the way forward. Author’s Son, never drive in neutral gear. If you want to be invincible, you must take control of your life and learn to follow yourself. I believe that long term ‘goals’ are bullshit. We are put under immense, continuous pressure from people around us, and from books that we need to have “defined long term goals” and that instigates us to second guess our purpose of existence. Hence, we need to take cognisance of the fact that it is OKAY to not have a long-term goal.
What is important is that one has a direction. Jack Ma, founder of Alibaba, began his career as an English teacher. Author often asked, “If he doesn’t have a long-term goal, how will he know what he has to do?” The goal focuses on the end while the direction focuses on the journey. Once you establish your direction, you need to invest time every day to move one step in that direction.
While long term goals are not necessary, you need to have short term milestones or targets to measure your progress towards your direction. Have a direction for yourself and focus on the next step to cultivate your culture of invincible happiness and success.
#13 The Quiet Eye
The story describes the power of focus and it reveals how concentrating effort, energy, and especially attention on just one thing can yield extraordinary results. If you aim to develop an area of your life or improve a skill, it will require unwavering focus on that particular thing. When Arjuna was aiming an arrow at a parrot, he could only see the parrot’s eye while everything else was blurred around it. Author realized that this is exactly how top sportspersons apply the same principle to consistently perform at extraordinary levels. We need to train ourselves to focus on one thing for long, unbroken periods of time. Arjuna not only focused on the bird’s eye but he ignored everything else in his frame of vision.
We need to use physical as well as psychological techniques to blur the distractions and to build ‘quiet-eye’ focus.
- Have a focus-hour
- Create physical barriers to your distractions
- Convert tasks into processes
- Create a not-to-do list
#14 Horizontal knowledge
The Director of the team in the consulting firm, was sharp and incredibly aggressive at accomplishing targets. Even with his performance, everybody in the firm was surprised when he got promoted from his role within 18 months! Author became obsessed with understanding what made this man extraordinary, and in a few weeks, he began to discover the answer. Knowing everything about something is good but not good enough, we also need to know something about everything. Horizontal knowledge is all the knowledge outside the knowledge of your core function. Most of the director’s peers never invested those 20 minutes on reading what does not directly relate to their function and lost out on the horizontal knowledge. This brings us to the number one source of building horizontal knowledge — reading.
Of all that has been said and heard about reading, the author still believes it remains a severely under-rated and under-pursued reservoir of wisdom. When traveling, shed your inhibitions and talk to local people, learn about their life, and try to live close to how they live. Gradually, Preeti, her deep amber, curious eyes, and Dinesh’s constant blabber became an integral part of their journey while exploring Coonoor. Preeti’s mother passed away six months ago and her father, Dinesh, has become her sole carer. Traveling often gives us the opportunity to watch and learn from such people — they radiate invincibility through their daily lives. If you are unable to travel often, another way to build horizontal knowledge is to consciously endeavor to have a conversation with one new person every day. It could just be a minute-long conversation, but that occasional wisdom and the build-up of confidence would go a long way in building your culture of invincibility.
#15 Be a do-er
Millennials have access to unlimited resources and do not limit themselves to degrees and skills learnt in school and college. If you are stuck in a job or study course that you do not like or do not think you will make a career, then it is important to do your best at what you do. To succeed, you need to become a do-er who is always giving their best at what they do. The proportion of genuine do-ers is reducing by the day. You need to constantly improve your skills because complacency is nothing but slow poison to your career. When you are willing to give your best for what you do, you are set to win.
Section 3: The Invincible Habits
Habits are automatic behaviors developed over time and are double edged swords. Good habits play a vital role in helping you grow and succeed while bad habits act as a constant deterrent to your goals. Invincibility is a culture and not an activity or an event, and hence it needs some good automatic behaviors to sustain. The invincible habits are not ones which require too much effort or intelligence to develop but rather a decision and soft dedication to apply them in your life.
#16 The Slingshot
The dictionary definition of perseverance is “persistence in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success”. Learning any new skill requires stepping out of the comfort zone it is riddled with failures and hurdles because it is unchartered territory. We need to keep the disillusion of natural talent aside and be consciously aware of this fact as we encounter challenges in the process of creating or learning something. On the 30th day of a 29-day challenge, the author could pull himself up for the first time. He remembers walking around the gym like a gladiator who just won the battle.
His fitness coach was relentless and kept pushing him to try it every single day. After that, he was astonished when he was able to do three pull-ups at one go within five days. Across the 29 days, his units of effort were accumulating to yield a performance that unfurled in the final six days.
JK Rowling is the author of the Harry Potter book series which has sold more than 500 million copies worldwide. In 1993, 7 years after her graduation, she was jobless, had gone through a divorce, and was a single mother of her infant daughter. She was even diagnosed with clinical depression and yet, she persevered. Rowling is an example of timeless wisdom that the hunger to persevere is more critical than resources to succeed. Perseverance and discipline are step-sisters — perseverance is relentless effort and discipline is a set of relentless habits. Without discipline, perseverance is an uphill climb. Temporary disruptions may happen, and often, take priority. It is important, however, that this doesn’t become a part of your personal culture.
When your execution is parallel to your plan, discipline is achieved. This plan could be what you decide to do in the next week, day or even the next hour. Long-term planning gives the illusion of discipline while, in most cases, it is nothing more than contingent vision. The three stages of perseverance that the author has observed are the initial rush, the middle mull, and the slingshot.
The Initial Rush: Many people never go beyond the Initial Rush stage because the excitement, if not met with continued execution and response, dwindles faster than a paper plane.
The Middle Mull: This is perhaps the longest and most monotonous phase of building or learning anything. Willpower has an inevitable decline because you are not as excited as you were. Execution takes a dip as well because, in the ocean of small tasks to be done by the end of the day, productivity takes a severe hit. It is easy to get severely unorganized in this phase, lose track of your health and relationships, and hence discipline is set to take an enormous hit. This was the phase where I quit my guitar practice.
The Slingshot: The Slingshot stage is like a reward for your perseverance, similar to the beautiful view that you get after a long tiring trek. If you can recognize the stage, you are in and understand the forces working on you; you are already getting ready for the challenge. Example of a JK Rowling set’s best for slingshot. The idea of writing a book set in a magical world with different characters is the Initial Rush. When JK Rowling’s first Harry Potter book became a hit, that was the slingshot!
#17 The 3-Way Balance
The three key spheres of our life are self-development, finances and relationships. For invincible happiness and success, it is essential that we keep these spheres in balance. Focusing on one sphere while ignoring the others is a recipe for disaster. ‘
Wheel of Life’ by Paul J. Meyer is a fantastic exercise to help us gain awareness of our priorities. We need to prioritize and balance the self, financial and relationships spheres for long term happiness and success. This exercise helps you become aware of which realms of your life you need to focus more on and from which realms you can withdraw some time.
#18 Cube Shaped Watermelons
When people fail to ask “why?” Culture of an organization is a combined reflection of its people. When individuals are encouraged to question and rethink the plans and processes of the organization, it sets the organization on a path to self-disruption. To insulate themselves against disruption, individuals must begin to self-disrupt — they must find recurring patterns in their life and break them.
It is a continuous and ongoing process with no room for complacency. A common reason that prevents us from disrupting ourselves is fear. When we are afraid of something, we find reasons to convince ourselves not to do those things. However, by going against the wind, our challenges disrupt us and enhance our skills.
#19 Stay Agile
Jackie Chan taught us that strength and agility are not mere partners. People who have a fast, flexible and agile thought process are set to succeed in all aspects of life. When you have a solid horizontal knowledge base, you constantly feel the pulse of opportunities around you which you can capitalize on as soon as they present themselves.
Kodak, a world leader in photo technology, ignored the potential of digital cameras because “that would be counter-intuitive to photo paper”, a significant sales contributor to their kitty. It is difficult for a large corporation to move with such agility, especially in businesses so far apart from its core. Milan Paleja was the Managing Director of the Indian wing of a global pharmaceutical corporation, at the peak of his two-decade career. In June 2019, he quit and started his own business.
Adaptation is Learning Agility which has five dimensions:
- Mental Agility: Critical thinking for solving uncertain and complex problems.
- People Agility: Understanding and working with different kinds of people.
- Change Agility: Embracing change in the environment or role.
- Results Agility: Ability to deliver results in first-time situations.
- Self-Awareness: Knowing self’s strengths and weaknesses
Vera Wang is a celebrity fashion designer widely known for her wedding dresses and gowns. Within a decade, she had grown the business to more than $80 million with her creations ranging from gowns and evening-wear to footwear and fragrances.
What is surprising though, is that Vera Wang began designing wedding gowns from a boutique in New York in 1990 when she was 40 years old. In 1990, fashion designer Vera Wang launched her boutique store in New York and has not looked back. Wang began her career as a competitive figure skater and earned a degree in art history. This is the power of agility — not being afraid to move places, roles and domains when you feel it is time.
#20 Stop the Snowball
When you take a pause from your actions and thoughts and take a few minutes to be in the moment, you are practicing mindfulness. Ironically, we are talking about ‘pause’ after a loaded discussion on agility.
Through mindfulness, we train our minds to focus on one thing at a time. Regular practice helps us to be able to do this exercise for a longer period of time. A workout helps us be in the present for at least some time during the day — it is a habit we all need to develop. This exercise will help you nip the snowball and prevent it from becoming an avalanche.
#21 Break Things
Most of us, however, despise ourselves for our errors and criticize others for their mistakes. Mistakes are an important and essential part of the learning process. Being invincible entails not holding on to emotions from mistakes, but rather holding on to learning from them. Mistakes are a part of you and just like kintsugi, they make you unique. Mistakes are an essential part of learning.
However, learning is not an excuse to commit mistakes. By not learning from others’ experiences and learning from their mistakes, we “reinvent the wheel”. To build the invincibility culture, we need to own, love, and learn from mistakes.
#22 Evaluate Your Lens
In Vietnam, a man was roasting a live rat for his consumption in front of a bonfire. In Ho Chi Minh City, a homeless man asked the author to follow him with a map and address on a sheet of paper. Author’s experiences in his home country developed his lens of looking at the world in a certain way. Our perception of the world comes through the lens that we already wear in front of our eyes. Greta Thunberg’s climate activism is an interesting example of how people from varied races, casts, creeds, and continents unite for a common calling.
She began to skip school from August 2018 on Fridays to camp outside the Swedish Parliament to urge them to take action on climate change. Her raw and heartfelt speech became viral, and the movement spread across continents. However, her movement reiterated the power of people shedding their biases and coming together for a common cause.
“We must look at the lens through which we see the world, as well as the world we see, and that the lens itself shapes how we interpret the world.” — Stephen R Covey