Book Summary: The Rudest Book Ever
Author: Shwetabh Gangwar
Book Size: 126 pages
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Moral and Introduction:
You may feel self-conscious as you read this, but the reality is that “you’re a product” with whom your friends, family, and relatives all hope that you would educate yourself, be a nice person, make everyone happy, and change the world. But, for the most part, in actual life, this aspiration remains a fantasy that will never be realized. According to the author, we have failed to become a magnificent way in which so much hope has been placed.
We don’t know how to think, which is one of the main reasons behind this. We are never taught how and what to think, what insights or beliefs to follow, what is correct or incorrect, but we have never tried to teach how to think since thinking and thoughts determine whether a person’s future is successful or unsuccessful. It is our parents’ responsibility to educate us on how to think correctly, but most parents do not know how to think. However, the Author will use this book to instruct us.
Key Takeaways
- Consider yourself as if you were a country.
- Don’t fall for anyone’s nonsense.
- On this globe, no one is exceptional.
- Stop thinking you’re entitled to something. Never believe anything without first conducting a thorough examination of the facts and data.
- Happiness isn’t a goal worth pursuing.
- Learn how to think critically.
- Never blindly follow someone. Use logic and discernment.
The author Challenges our preconceptions in this book. So prepare yourself because some of the teachings will be obnoxious. On some points, you could even disagree. However, once you’ve read them all, you’ll see how accurate they are.
#1: You are a Country.
The author gives you a unique perspective on yourself as a nation. Don’t consider yourself a human. Consider yourself a country. You should have a code to live by, just like a country has its constitution. The first thing that happens when you begin to consider yourself as a nation is that you get control of your life. You take on the role of authority. You begin to think for yourself and judge what is and is not good for you.
You put your guard up when someone tries to attack you. You should have your self-esteem or self-respect to hold yourself up and overcome challenges, just as a nation needs its army to defend itself. Thinking of oneself as a nation does not exclude you from considering your relationships with others. When a country has good connections with its neighbors, it prospers. The same is true for you.
You can’t control other people any more than you can govern other countries. You have no control over anything except yourself.
#2: Parents aren’t professionals.
This may come out as impolite to some. Yes, that is rude, but it is true. Our parents aren’t always aware of all that is going on in our lives. We believe that our parents are special creatures created specifically for us and that they have the answers to all of our issues. The truth is that they aren’t geniuses, and they don’t have the answers to all of our problems.
Parents, like you, are individuals. And people are strange, according to Shwetabh. What are your thoughts about people? Is it even possible to define people? Everyone has their style of classifying individuals, which is influenced by their life experiences. People can be perplexed to some. People, on the other hand, are complicated and shady to some. The author refers to people as odd since it does not classify them as extremes.
It’s not a good idea to judge people on their extremes. A person, for example, can be both excellent and bad. It all depends on the situation. Rather than categorizing people, we should accept that they are odd and be pleased with that.
#3: Specialization is a meritocracy.
We all want to feel special, somewhere deep down in our souls. But, what does it mean to you to feel special? Do you wish to gain the attention of others? Is it important to you to have other people’s approval that you are unique? Is it really necessary for you to feel exceptional in the first place?
Let’s say your coworkers or friends think you’re unique. Your parents have even informed you that you are unique. So, when others tell you that you’re special, do you believe it? No, the simple answer is no. People aren’t qualified to determine whether or not someone is exceptional.
according to the author, uniqueness is something that must be earned. And for that, you must close your eyes and ask yourself if you are special or not. The proper response will come from your “self.” Think about it. “If you need someone else to tell you that you are special, you haven’t worked hard enough to earn it.”
#4: First impressions are often deceiving.
We enjoy passing judgment on individuals just because they are human. When we meet someone for the first time, our mind assigns them a rating and determines whether or not they are superior to us. However, this is the incorrect method of judging someone. This is because you don’t have any real-life data about someone when you initially judge them. The majority of the assessment is based on their outward appearance, how they portray themselves in public, or what others have said about them.
The caveat is that everyone tries to sell themselves as someone they aren’t. You never know when you’re being sold a piece of nonsense (unless you’re wise). That is why making decisions based on initial impressions is a bad idea. The ideal method is to observe their behavior and wait till you have enough real-world data. Making assumptions without the necessary information can never result in an accurate assessment of a person.
#5: It’s Normal to Get Rejected
This planet is a jungle, and all humans are fighting for survival. At some point in your life, you will be rejected. The problem with rejection is that it makes you doubt yourself. When you are rejected, your self-esteem suffers a significant setback. And then the following questions pop into your head:
- “Am I missing something?”
- “What is it about this that appeals to me?”
- “Can you tell me what’s wrong with me?”
It’s also likely that you’ll get more motivated as a result of being rejected. “Now I’m going to show you what I’m made of.” “You’ll come to regret rejecting me after a while.” Do these phrases ring a bell? It’s also a bad notion to be motivated by rejection. So, what are we going to do about it? You must understand that rejections are unrelated to you. Rejections are meaningless and should not be taken seriously. Doesn’t this appear to be a straightforward task? It is up to you to choose your self-worth.
You are the only one who truly understands “you.” Rejection can make you melancholy or motivated, which indicates that you are desperate for another person’s favor, which you should not be. “People’s rejection should mean nothing to you.”
#6: Stop looking for happiness.
What is your life’s ultimate goal? I understand how difficult it is to respond. However, if you feel that happiness is the ultimate objective of life, you may find yourself in some problems. Chasing happiness has a flaw: you never stop chasing the things that make you happy or provide you enormous joy. When you have something enjoyable, you want more.
Happiness isn’t something that lasts forever. As a result, self-satisfaction should always be a goal. “F*ck happiness, you have to say. I don’t want to be happy; instead, I want to be content with my existence. “I’m looking for self-satisfaction.”
#7: Recognize Your “Self”
For a long time, you may have observed the word “self.” So, what exactly is it? Why do you need to know who you are? The “self,” according to this text, is the unique entity within you. Your “self” is the unspoken voice in your head that you try to ignore at all costs. Rather than avoiding your “self,” you should embrace it.
People have a frequent problem in that they rely on others to grade them. Instead of making their “selves” the authority, they delegate authority to those who have no idea who they are. In this way, people lose faith in themselves and, in the worst-case scenario, their identity. And they waste their time in their futile attempt to please others. You should endeavor to learn everything you can about yourself. Self-awareness will also assist you in understanding how to think.
#8: Stop being a Follower. Start Admiring.
If you’ve ever read a fiction book or seen a fictitious film, you’ll know that heroes always win in the end, no matter what the story is about. Nobody likes villains because they are evil and usually lose. People admire individuals who succeed and are admired by others. It’s healthy to aspire to be like your heroes. So, what’s the point of all of this?
The issue arises when you begin to blindly follow your heroes. Some people even begin to imitate them. They repeat their idols’ words or actions verbatim. Putting heroes on a pedestal is a bad idea. In the actual world, there are no heroes or villains.
Only in fiction do heroes and villains exist. There are only people in the real world. And, as Author puts it, “people are strange.” As a result, admire and learn from others. But don’t become a blind follower of someone.
#9: Only on Real (social media) does perfection exist.
People aren’t perfect in real life. People have a lot of defects that they aren’t even aware of. When it comes to the internet, though, they are nothing short of flawless human beings. On the internet, perfection sells well. And seeing those flawless bodies or people online makes you believe you lack something others don’t, leading to self-doubt.
After that, there is a ray of hope. Then comes the fantasy of obtaining the same opulent, glamorous success that they have. What’s wrong with it, you might wonder? The problem is that you don’t have any real-world information about them. To put it another way, you have no notion what they’re like in real life. Getting on the internet and uploading great Instagram photos does not make you a genius. Furthermore, naively following someone on social media is a complete waste of time.
When you make the mistake of attempting to imitate a celebrity, you risk losing your uniqueness. Remember that if something appears to be great on the internet, it has undergone numerous revisions by people who are experts in their field.
#10: A partnership is a relationship.
A relationship’s entire purpose is to enhance each other’s lives. However, some people believe that getting into a relationship will make them happier. Keep in mind that only you have the power to make yourself happy or satisfied. The other person must never be the source of happiness. That’s why, according to the Author, entering a relationship only to become happier is a bad idea. Others will not mess with your country if you have a strong leader. And when that happens, the leader knows how to look after you.
#11: You must learn to think critically.
You are trained “what to think” from the minute you are born. Why you might wonder, does no one educate us on “how to think”? They don’t learn to think until they’re adults, and some don’t learn until they’re in their fifties. There are only a few people on the planet who can think differently than they already do. And because individuals aren’t taught how to think in general, you’ll never learn how to think.
All of the information sent into your brain is referred to as “what to think.” You’ll be able to break the programming in your head and think creatively after you discover how to think. Solving your difficulties is one approach to learning how to think. When you’re faced with a perplexing scenario, what do you do? These days, however, we have Google, which knows everything. So you go to and type in your problem’s solution.
The brainstorming portion is something you never truly do. You take whatever solution the Internet provides. In other words, you don’t get much-thinking practice. Surprisingly, people are unconcerned about what they think. The general principle is that the more information you have, the better. This isn’t the case.
Furthermore, only a small fraction of people would be able to distinguish between knowledge and intellect. Few people put out the effort to learn how to think, especially now that Artificial Intelligence is on the increase.